Empowering Future Leaders through Community Engagement - Join us!


Pillar Nonprofit Network

Child and Youth Network

London Community Foundation

City of London

Pillar Nonprofit Network Child and Youth Network London Community Foundation City of London

Our mission is to cultivate a community of engaged and empowered young people passionate about positively impacting London. Through innovative programming, impactful research, and meaningful community projects, we equip our youth with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to become the next generation of leaders.

What We Believe

At Young London, we're all about empowering young people to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. We believe that every young person has the potential to be a changemaker, and we're committed to providing the tools, resources, and support they need to realize their full potential. Our approach is grounded in inclusivity, respect, and collaboration, and we're passionate about creating a safe and supportive space where young people from all backgrounds can come together to work towards a common goal. Whether you're a young person looking to get involved, a parent seeking resources, or a partner organization interested in collaboration, we invite you to join us on our mission to empower the next generation of leaders through community engagement.

Our Focus Areas

  • Community Engagement: We believe in the power of community engagement to inspire and drive positive change. We work to foster a sense of community and social responsibility among young people, and to provide opportunities for them to make a meaningful impact in their communities.

  • Youth Leadership: We're passionate about empowering young people to become the next generation of leaders. We provide leadership training, mentoring, and support to help young people develop the skills and confidence they need to lead effectively.

  • Program Development: We develop innovative programs and initiatives that address the most pressing challenges facing young people in London today, from mental health and well-being to education and employment.

  • Research and Advocacy: We conduct research and advocacy to promote policies and practices that support the needs and interests of young people, and to raise awareness about the issues affecting them.

  • Partnership and Collaboration: We believe in the power of partnership and collaboration to achieve our mission. We work with a wide range of partners, including other organizations, the City of London, political leaders, schools, businesses, and community groups, to create a more supportive and inclusive environment for young people.

  • Civic Engagement: We recognize the importance of civic engagement in creating a strong and vibrant municipal democracy. We work to empower young people to participate in the democratic process and to become informed and engaged citizens. Through our programs and initiatives, we encourage young people to get involved in their communities, to speak out on issues that matter to them, and to take action to create positive change.

"Young people are powerful leaders of change. They care deeply about our country, understand the issues we are facing, and know that we have to – and can – do better. They serve their communities actively, participate in civic life, and advocate for a fairer, more diverse, and more inclusive Canada.” - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau